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Yoon’s 29 Minute Defensiveness

In a 29-minute address, Yoon attempted to defend invoking martial law and well, he sounded extremely defensive.

Using anti-North Korean rhetoric, he again accused the oppositional party of being anti-state, using language like “gangsters” and “monsters.”

His speech was infused with extreme nationalism as a defense and also stated he wanted to prevent the “ruin of our nation.”

If this sounds vaguely familiar, it is a mirror play of U.S. jingoism. It is the no-longer-invisible hand of U.S. puppetry. Yoon even threw in comments about Chinese tech as a threat to Korean resources.

This is fear-mongering we know all too well. We know how this creates a rise in toxic reactionaryism, increased militarism, and how it stymies and reverses anti-oppressive progress.

We know where this road goes. NO.

I have been and will continue to be protesting in these Seoul streets with my fellow 동무 comrades. We are led by labor movements and working parties on the ground. It is intergenerational and extends across gender, sexuality, class, region. It is a movement that continues to try to be better.

The will of the people is cohesive and strong. I’ll continue to share from on-the-ground struggles. Grateful for you all too, as we weave our movements together. Let’s go beloveds.

Published inKorean Resistance

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