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Weeping is Will

[Content Warning: state violence, United Statesness, anti-Blackness, suicide, SA]

Today I wept several times already, for different, but all entirely related reasons.

I wept because of the details emerging of an 11-year old boy named Abyesh Thulung, from a Bhutanese refugee family, who took his life last year because of racist bullying from classmates. The taunting and bullying happened over and over and his school did nothing even though the bullying from his classmates was so severe that he had to go to the nurse from injuries on multiple occasions.

I am thinking about the countless young people, countless kids, that are suffering and will continue to suffer from escalating and overt bullying as white supremes and spreads itself.

[Abyesh holding up a U.S. flag and an envelope that reads “U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services”]

I wept because of the literal digging up and destruction with drills and trucks of Black Lives Matter Plaza in Washington, DC.

Sometimes when viewing historical footage, everything around me becomes suspended because of how overt and extreme it is. This is one of those instances. “All Lives Matter” was mild compared to what is happening again now. This is boasting and unequivocally stating that they believe that Black lives absolutely do not matter.

[Digging machine breaking the street plaza that says Black Lives Matter in yellow]

Do not forget why the Movement for Black Lives was necessary in the first place. It says it right in the name to just be the ever so clear. It is a movement to fight for Black lives, and in doing this, it is a fight for every life. By attempting to erase and suppress this work, the government is actively contributing to Black deaths.

I know what is coming because it has been coming for a long time. We have witnessed it over and over again. I have been reviewing images from past movements, from decades ago, and the parallels are undeniable.

I wept because of countless fellow trans family and community who are going through multi-layered attacks on our bodies, freedom of movement, access, names, identities, healthcare, education. The loss of community, agency, support, spaces, work, and family.

I wept because the government is flagrantly abducting people and proudly bragging about it on social media. We know from the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Relatives movement that the disappearing of people by the state has been happening for a long time, for as long as colonization has existed.

I wept because Palestine is still under siege, occupied, and not free. And Empire is doing everything it can to prevent it from being free.

I wept because disability rights are being peeled away so quickly to reveal the eugenics beneath the policies that shaped this Empire. This is demeaning, dehumanizing, and endangering disabled communities, and thus, every community.

I wept because I know escalated assault and violence against every possible community is coming.

I wept because of the destruction of land that is coming, even more so than previous waves of colonization. The last places that only remain because Indigenous communities have fought endlessly to protect them, even these are finally being exploited and stolen again and again.

These are just what I wept about in the morning. I say so often because I feel it so deeply, may my heart never recover so that I will revolt forever. In many ways, I am grateful for the humanity of my heart to bring out tears that remind me that my body is ready in its rebellion. I am ready, I have been ready. Let’s go.

Published inEnd Empire

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