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We Are The Ones

Any time Empires have told us that a people are evil, savage, uncivilized, thugs, less than human, barbaric, illegals, or the enemy, that has meant us.

We are those people.
Those are our people.
All of us can rise up and take all of the Empires down. And they know what a unified us could mean. So they brand those different terms to keep us apart. Divide and conquer. Remember, divide and conquer is one of the the Empire’s favorite tools.

So as the world is going through a relearning, one of the recommendations that I make: make sure you revisit and re-investigate and think about why Empires, colonizers, and oppressors are telling you stories and calling all of the people and countries all of those different terms. Dig deeper.

Everything you’ve been told and taught by the Empire in history, through the news, through the media, and even through people that we were told were trusted sources, is a lie. Lies about movements, struggles, and histories of countries and people all over the world that your Empire has been trying to keep you from building together.

Because when we build with each other, we can take all Empires down.

For Empires to mask that they are evil, they must create the myth that everyone else is.

All Empires have fallen, and all Empires will fall. Because all Empires are built on lies, and people always find the truth.

Published inImperialism/Empire

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