When you witness the oppression being carried out overtly, atrociously, and through the global oligarchy, think about how diligent, fierce, consistent, connected, and wise our ancestors were to even get us here to be alive today. Can you imagine?
We are alive today.
When you think about the history within the context of what we are experiencing in the world today, when you think about how even in our brief lifetimes we have witnessed so much, you recognize how extraordinary it is that we made it to today.
So our fight, despite it feeling incredibly daunting, is one we can absolutely hold. We have history, our ancestors with us, and on top of that, we are the Global Majority.
We are movements upon movements. At the same time, we are changing directions, we are trying new things, we are radically shifting.
Right now, right now, we have the opportunity to create the future for all of us. Can you imagine? What a gift. We get to nourish our world together. Receive the moment. It is breathtaking, and we get to be here right now together.
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