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Technological Attacks

The recent massacres through tech attacks by Israel reach into the hands of the entire planet. I know that this has unlocked a new fear for many. Or resurfaced an old one. These are actually not new technological attacks, they’re age-old ones that have been used for decades. 

It is not one company, it is not one device. It is any company, it is any device. 

Supply chain attacks, where any point from production to customer can be compromised, leave little room for the individual to have protections. 

Whether infiltration into the manufacturing process itself, delivery route, or even purchase portal, there are multiple points that can be maliciously exploited. 

This is yet another reason to go back to my earlier post about holding onto existing tech for as long as possible. It can help to curb entities preying on countries like the DRC, helps to preserve the precious planet, gets us out of the conspicuous consumption mindset, and leaves us with a _little_ less room for exploits to our devices. 

I talk about this all the time, check out my past posts on tech security, anything can be hacked. Prevention must happen at each layer of the supply chain, regulation and legislation must be put into place, and multiple points of inspection and review. 

When you can, since many have life-sustaining devices where this is not always possible, try to find spaces, times, and places where you are without your devices. Additionally, we have to be more offline. Truly. End Empire. See you offline y’all. 

Published inDigital SecurityTech Justice

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