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Surveillance is Criminalization

When I tell people to opt out, I am not only referring to biometrics and facial recognition at the airport, borders, or other spaces and venues. I am referring to everything. It means opting out literally, but also figuratively.

Opting out of facial recognition and biometric theft at the airport is just one example of what we need to opt out of. It is imperative that people understand the bigger picture. This is about the state taking away our rights by taking away our consent, data and, privacy. This is about controlling our freedom of movement. This is about limiting access, information, and connection.

In a surveillance state, every single person is already considered a criminal. I recommend people begin thinking about surveillance this way.

In Empire, anytime anywhere someone is trying to force you to give up your biometrics data or rights, it is because they consider you a criminal in advance. For instance, the reason why oppressors use the language “illegals” is because they consider immigrants, trans folks, Black and Indigenous people, poor people, and disabled people to be criminals.

However, remember who the real criminals are; they are the ones that are trying to take away your rights. What they’re doing at airports, stadiums, checkpoints, amusement parks, for ID verification, schools, loan and job applications, and insurance by forcing you into surveillance and making you give up your right to opt out, what they are doing is training and conditioning you to obey and comply. It’s not for your protection. It’s not for your safety and security. It is to criminalize you.

Opt out of facial recognition and biometric theft, yes, but also from data gathering, breaches of your privacy. Opt out of tyrannical authoritarianism that tries to push you in that tries to assume your consent, which again, is not actual consent.

Give them hell, don’t go willingly, do not consent, do not comply, do not obey.

Opt out, opt out, opt out.

Published inOpt Out

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