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Protection Gear: Kuffiyeh and Mask

Out in this illogical, brutal, and surreal world, my mask and keffiyeh have become everyday protection gear and everyday armor. 

My mask helps to protect me against germs and viruses, having to make expressions, racists, eugenicists, sun damage, dust, facial recognition, and being recognized. 

My kuffiyeh helps to protect me against the cold, heat, dust, wind, imperialists, zionists, lack of pockets, genociders, biometric theft, oppression, and any oppressors that want to even try to mess with me.

Both protect me and also protect others.

They show others what I believe in. There is not a shred of doubt. There is no question that I want the downfall of Empire, that I want LandBack with Indigenous stewardship, and that I want all oppressed people to be liberated forever. 

I have encountered assault, harassment, questioning, whispers, mocking, and stares because of these pieces of armor. But think about the alternative. A world where no one cares about each other’s health, and where Empire continues to oppress. So I wear my armor with the conviction and confidence of the truth of liberation. 

Within the imperial core there is a knowing nod, a mix of gratitude, relief, and fight for justice shared with other maskers and others wearing their kuffiyehs. I have made friends with many others who also wore their armor. 

Wear your armor with the conviction and confidence that we hold the truth of liberation. We make liberation inevitable.

Published inLet's All Get FreeTools, We Got Us

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