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Naming Oppression is Not Controversial

This holiday season as you gather with loved ones, remember that genocide is neither a polarizing nor controversial conversation to have.

Just like being disabled isn’t controversial nor is it a “delicate” subject.

Neither is someone naming that you are a white person who benefits from white supremacy. Not controversial.

Neither is it controversial to state the fact that cis people benefit from cis privilege, whether you accept the term cis or not.

Neither is it debatable to bring up that all billionaires became so through unethical means.

It is not polarizing to share that multiple simultaneous genocides are happening around the world.

It’s not controversial. It’s not “radical.” It’s not “delicate.” What it is, is the truth.

It’s not about “we agree to disagree” when talking about facts. But those steeped in colonial white cis het dominant culture will gaslight you into making it seem like it’s a matter of opinion. No.

Oppression is a fact that exists.

Oppressors are oppressing the oppressed. Those are facts.

Other facts that are happening right now are taking down Empire, the fight to free all oppressed people, and the struggle for liberation for everyone.

Fact, not opinion.

Liberation is truth.

We are on the side of truth, remember that.

Published inTools, We Got Us

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