This May 15th day of the colonial Gregorian calendar is Nakba day. It also happens to fall, this lunar year, on the same day as the Buddha’s arrival day.
As someone who practices Buddhism and hence of course also fighting for a free Palestine, I think about the first Nakba in 1948, which never truly ended, as a catalyst of sorts. It led Palestinians to plant the seed for the resistance we are witnessing today.
It created the optimal conditions for the first Intifada and the second Intifada.
The ongoing Nakba today, with over 35K martyred, and millions displaced by settler colonizer Israel, awakened billions to make the call for a global intifada.
So here we are today, uplifted by land and generat8,3 practices stewarded by Indigenous Peoples, scaffolded by lessons and strategy from Black movements, continuously fighting for collective liberation.
We have everything we need, today, right now, gifted to us by our ancestors and our elders. We have everything we need to fight for liberation. We have everything we need.
Fulfilling our purpose of those planted seeds.
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