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Empire is the Problem

The United States was only meant to be a temporary experiment.

It has unequivocally failed.

Its expiration date has long passed.

Let us make Empire irrelevant by disrespecting, dishonoring, and discrediting everything it uses to wield power.

Let’s ruin Empire and make it obsolete.

Creating the problem, making it illegal to experience the problem, charging people who are suffering because of that problem, making people labor just to pay for the problem, punishing and incarcerating people for not being able to afford the problem, creating laws to protect the problem, militarizing, surveilling, and colonizing the world to uphold the problem.

The United States Empire is the problem.

The United States Empire is DISGUSTED by and DESPISES us. It would rather us dead. It continues to need us solely to exploit us. That is the only reason we are alive.

Everything we love about life and each other will thrive without Empire, which is why we must gather our people now. Build community above all.

Be a traitor to Empire.

Liberation awaits.

Published inColonization

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