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Do Not Protect Empire

I am infinitely more concerned about the U.S. having my data than I am about any other country in the world having it.

The U.S. does not even have to hack us to steal our data, they simply take it. The government has enabled companies to build in data farming as part of their usage agreements. They have also spent decades weaving elaborate lies about very specific countries and regions to justify militarism and imperialism.

Empire is worried about its weapons and military arsenal, it is not worried about you.

To Empire, its arsenal is its asset. Empire spends trillions each year to stockpile an arsenal. An arsenal it has because it created the narrative that we need it more than everything else. That we need to have it to survive.

Meanwhile, every month, the consequence of that is millions suffering because of fires, floods, hurricanes, and catastrophes fueled by capitalist colonialism.

Don’t protect Empire.

Empire is not protecting you.

Published inDigital SecurityImperialism/Empire

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