Every year I talk about 삼일운동 (March 1st Movement), 만세운동 (Manse Movement), 삼일절 (3.1 Day) because it’s a big day in Korea. It’s a big…
Anti-Oppression + Tech Justice
Every year I talk about 삼일운동 (March 1st Movement), 만세운동 (Manse Movement), 삼일절 (3.1 Day) because it’s a big day in Korea. It’s a big…
We are in the cycle of oppressors where they co-opt the histories of the oppressed. The U.S. will say it was the hero. Because even…
Witness history being made now because we know what oppressors will attempt later. Most of us learned incorrect and incomplete history in our textbooks. The…
Around and following WW2, imperialists and settler colonizers made power grabs and detrimental ruptures in countries all over the world. This is why so many…
Witness history being made now because we know what oppressors will attempt later. Most of us learned incorrect and incomplete history in our textbooks. The…
November 22 is Kimchi Day. If you eat kimchi, then you better be for the liberation of all oppressed people from all Empires. Over 4000…
In some Indigenous cultures, what is now known to some as “North America” is known as Turtle Island. There is something powerful about having the…
Witness history being made now because we know what oppressors will attempt later. We know our history books have been manipulated, controlled, fabricated, and erased…
The US calling the Korean War the “Forgotten war” is so colonial and imperialist, because I can guarantee you that no Korean has forgotten it.…
Today is the 43rd anniversary of the May 18, Gwangju Uprising, one of the most powerful and also bloody resistance movements in Korean history. Over…