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Anti-Blackness at Work

Indeed just released a report talking about how half of Black workers are thinking about leaving their jobs. And in fact, I think it’s way more because I’ve been witnessing this.

As someone who works directly with organizations on anti-oppression, I observe this every single day.

So often, organizations only engage in equity work when they have hired their first Black person. Or they only do it when something horrific has happened, at the organization itself but also globally. We all witnessed this together.

Additionally, that Black employee or Black employees are burdened with educating others around equity. That is, mind you, simultaneously while they are experiencing racism and microaggressions in the world, but also within their own organizations.

And then often organizations are confused as to why Black employees are leaving.

It’s quite clear, actually. It’s racism. It’s anti-Blackness.

Organizations are saying a lot, but they are not doing enough.

I get why Black folks want to leave organizations. Who would want to want to be somewhere that is anti-Black?

We witnessed entire organizations around the world change their structure, policies, programming, and their whole way of work because of the pandemic. It’s proof that a complete overhaul is possible.

Organizations CAN change. But only if they really actually want to change.

Something to think about as you make decisions about where you can be, where you want to be, and what kind of work organizations are and are not doing.

Published inWhite Dominance and RacismWorkplace Culture

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