As someone who does tech justice work, I’ve been opting out of biometric theft and facial recognition for 10 years. I’ve been opting out of other invasive unnecessary requests for information and data for even longer.
A decade ago when I would opt out of biometric check points or instances, there was no protocol. They would make it difficult, tell me it was impossible, or simply not know what to do. It has since then gotten a bit easier for some cases because demanding that I be able to opt out has in turn taught them that they need to offer an option to opt out. Now many venues and sites have procedures for opting out.
In addition to opting out of facial recognition and biometric theft at airport check points, I also opt out at cultural venues, stadiums, amusement parks, banks, campuses, shopping centers, companies, hotels, online sites, and more.
Every instance has a different opt-out procedure, most do not explicitly state that it is even possible.
At most venues I often wait while they figure out what to do or they call a supervisor. Often, they taunt or deride. Every single time, it is worth it to opt out.
No matter where you are, if they are trying to get your biometrics stop the process. You can ask questions such as “Can I opt out of this?” “Why are you taking my biometrics?” “What are you going to do with the data?” “Where is it stored?” “What are your security and privacy policies?” Barrage them questions, questions they should tell you about in advance but rarely do.
In my opinion, there is no reason for a location or site to need your biometric information. Sure, it can be helpful under certain circumstances, but not within Empire. Capitalist colonialism does not use our data for security. They use it for profit and surveillance only.
We are moving into a world where our biometrics will increasingly be mandated to gain access to services and sites, so we must demand to be able to opt out and be asked for our consent as long as we can.
Always understand the risks involved with opting out. If you are of any identity that white cis het ableist capitalist colonial culture does not want to exist, consider the higher risk put onto you. If you have less risk placed on you, this is an opportunity to be a co-conspirator.
They intentionally have you submit your biometrics when you are in a rush, are under pressure, or are being cornered. Get into the habit of questioning them and questioning the process. Always ask why they need it and find out (sometimes you can do this in advance by researching or reaching out to the venue or event) if there is an option to opt out or an alternate way to attend or enter.
Fascists and oppressors favor biometric theft so we will see it only more in the coming years.
Say no, opt out, push back.
It is worth it to rust the machine, to interrupt the assumption of consent, to push back on surveillance culture.
Keep resisting. For as long as you can, to the extent you are able, resist Empire’s weapons that aim to rob us of our agency, dignity, humanity, and heart.
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