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Close Guantánamo Bay, Close Empire

Many people do not know that Guantánamo Bay is in Cuba, because the way the media covers Gitmo is as if it is located in a 51st state that is close enough for the U.S. government to access freely, but far enough to take away freedom from others. Close enough for the U.S. to place an embargo on it, far enough to be away from too many witnesses.

This is a colonization pattern repeated by the U.S. around the globe. The U.S. has and continues to operate detention and concentration camps around the world and within its core.

These camps are wealth-producing, labor-exploiting, human-collateral hubs for the United States. Always built into so-called “treaties,” the U.S. never ends wars without land in exchange.

Guantánamo Bay’s atrocious history is one of Empire’s vile human rights abuses against Black and brown people that the U.S. criminalized in the first place.

Close Guantánamo Bay. Free Cuba.

Abolish every U.S. detention camp.

Abolish police and prisons.

Abolish and End Empire.

Published inColonizationImperialism/Empire

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